Issue Tracker

Automatically update issue status when branches actually deploy.

Gitwolf supposes to be integrated in a workflow right after pull request starts.
Here is the usual integrated flow:

  1. Pull request event (opened, reopened, syncronized, labeled, unlabeled, ready_for_review) fired from git host.
  2. Gitwolf builds pull requests and produce an integrated features branch (output branch).
  3. Gitwolf pushes the output branch to git host (i.e. Github).
  4. Your CI builds the branch.
  5. (optional) Call our callback api (e.g. POST /v1/deploys) to persist deploy stat on our application.

Currently we support 3 issue tracker services. Clubhouse, Pivotal Tracker, and Jira. This issue tracker integration enables collaboration between development process and project management.

From the last step (5th) above (section), our /v1/deploys endpoint allows you to specify desired states for issues associated with each pull requests, to be updated. For example, when an acceptance branch gets deployed to a review server, update issues's states to "delivered". When a release branch gets deployed to production, update issues's states to "acceppted".

Get started tracker integration

  1. Add project id or workspace name and token.

  2. Attach issues to pull request

    2.1 Inference
    Gitwolf automatically infers and link issue number from git branch or pull request title.

    Branch name examples

    • 123_feature_branch
    • feature_branch_123456
    • feature_DEV-1_branch

    Pull request title examples

    • The feature does x 123
    • Bug DEV-2 can't do y

    2.2 Manual

    1. Goto "Overview" page.
    2. Click "manage stories" on the right hand side of pull request.
    3. Select issues, and save.
  3. Put the /v1/deploys callback on your CI

    Example :

    curl -X POST -H 'Accept:application/json' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H "Authorization:Bearer $GITWOLF_TOKEN" --data '{"sha":"'"$CI_GIT_SHA"'", "email":"", "environment_name":"staging", "jira": {"deployed_issues_state": "done", "undeployed_issues_state": "todo"}}'

    parameter :

    Param Require Type Description
    (header) Authorization:Bearer token required string Generate it on your user account.
    sha required string git sha of your built output branch. Usually it's available on your CI.
    email required string This is basically an email of account that generate the token.
    environtment_name optional string Just a string you are free to choose. For example, you might have different servers that call this callback (e.g. environment_name:staging_1, environment_name:staging_2)
    branch_name optional string Just a string you are free to choose.
    jira or pivotal or clubhouse optional object an object consist of deployed_issues_state and undeployed_issues_state properties. Multiple trackers can be defined at the same time each with its own *_issues_state properties.
    deployed_issues_state optional string Use what you define on your issue tracker. Must be scoped with jira or pivotal or clubhouse key.
    undeployed_issues_state optional string Use what you define on your issue tracker. Must be scoped with jira or pivotal or clubhouse key.